Monday, May 24, 2010

Mahaloooha!!! You so Nice.

Aloha. Mahalo. Fo da follow, and the all around nice things everbody's been saying about Shaka Talk. Y'all just make it that much more fun! And the haters: y'all're funny too! Some o' y'all're cute too. It's so random, the people who've seen our show, and it's nice to hear when our guests get recognized! Even if viewers can't stand Edna or I (D.R.), at least they become fans of the cool people we have on our show.

Due to some techo-difficulties and laziness, we had to buss' ass to cut together "Shaka Shorties", 10 minute excerpts from each of the 9 episodes we like to call "Season 1". You may notice, sadly, that co-host Edna Mc Man is absent from the "Eating in Public" interview, and even though there are other interviews without her, we are happy to say that Edna Mc Man is back in the house, and shaking her shakas like only she can!

Please enjoy "Shaka Shorties", and tell us if you or anyone you know wants to be on our show: email or befriend us on Facebook & follow us on Twitter. Thanks again y'all. Hope you're havin' as much fun as we are. Season 2 starts in June!

Shaka Shorties #1 Origamist Extraordinaire Won Park

Shaka Shorties #2 Perception Technician Alex Iverson

Shaka Shorties #3 Fine Ass Funny Filmmaker Gerard Elmore

Shaka Shorties #4 Cute Comedy Troupe In Yo Face Improv (IYFI)

Shaka Shorties #5 Hyper Human Beatbox Jason Tom

Shaka Shorties #6 Quickie HIV Test by the Life Foundation

Shaka Shorties #7 Punk Baker Otto Cake

Shaka Shorties #8 Reminiscent Renaissance Man Harry Ramos

Shaka Shorties #9 Proper Agitators Eating in Public

Saturday, May 15, 2010

In the can at Cannes

This is the first video I ever upploaded to youtube, on a page I eventually lost the password to.

I never made it to the Cannes Film Festival, but I've stayed at the Carlton Cannes the hotel where Alfred Hitchcock shot his classic film To Catch a Thief.

Ever had a better offer in your whole life? One with everything?
The downstairs bathroom in the lobby of the hotel has a fully automated toilet. Just swipe your hand over some sensor of sorts, and it not only puts the seat down with a paper cover to protect your ass, but swipe again, and it also flushes itself & the cover, then puts the seat upp for you. (I've seen other videos of similar toilets, and wonder how much water/electricity/paper/time is wasted each year just so fools like us can post a video of it in action?). I forget if there's a bidet. How many high class frogs shuffle sideways, panties around their ankles, from the toilet, to the bidet? I prefer paper.

As long as you're satisfied, who could ask for anything more?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Lolita Liberadorita

“When Lupe walked into the courtroom and it was like a courtroom drama movie,” said the district attorney in the case. “Lupe is not only the world’s youngest looking porn star, but a humanitarian who cares about justice.” (via
My short footnote in her story matters to few but myself, but Lupe Fuentes, the lovely lassie who's a big hit in Europe, and recently began working in the US Adult Industry, was involved in a scene right out of a made-for-basic-cable tv movie directed by Pedro Almodovar. She also helped shine a light on the shenanigans & chicanery legal systems will employ to punish people for being human.

Last Summer I got a phone call from Evan Seinfeld aka "Spyder Jonez", vocalist/guitarist of Biohazard, star of TV show OZ, and the porn star I met when he was married to sex icon Tera Patrick. Evan told me about a starlet named Little Lupe, the petite porn ingenue from Spain, who is already a household name, synonymous with sex in Europe. Lupe and her huzzbin/director, Pablo Lapiedra were visiting Hawaii for the Summer, and needed host around town. Could I help them? Evan promised all kinds of hook-upps & hand-outs, but I said "no need". I was happy to help.
I was totally charmed by both Pablo & Lupe. They were a bit disoriented, as tourists in America, with some dude they didn't know. What they found surprising was I didn't know them! "We are so famous" he told me, and I almost laughed, thinking of Margaret Cho's mom. He explained how popular Lupe is in Europe, and that she was hoping to spread her wings (among other things) in America, and so they flew to Hawaii to relax on the beach, before dipping their toes into the hectic Hollywood porn pool.
We spent half the day waiting in line for some kinda official kine stuff for their stay in the US. It was when she made a mistake on the paperwork that I learned Lupe's real name is Zuleidy /zoo-LAY-dee/. We communicated in broken Spanglish, about what I done when I went to Spain (I even wore a shirt designed by my favourite Spanish graffiti artist Pez, but they never heard of him), and I suggested a few tings they should see & do while they was here. Whenever we couldn't understand each other, or think of what to say, or how to say it, we'd laugh it off. It seemed like jokes were easier to tell, even though I doubt we were all laughing at the same thing. It was adorable how bright-eyed though jet-lagged they were.
Afterwards we walked over & took pics by the Kamehameha statue & Iolani Palace. I told them it was "muy importante", and tried to explain as best I could who/what each represented, without expressing too much of my half-White shame/hate. (Shate?) Next, someone had to go bathroom, so we hit over to Jack in the Box across from the Blaisdell. (Shat?) Then of course Wal-Mart for cheap tourist crap made anywhere but America, much less Hawaii. (Shit?) We wound upp cruising thru Waikiki a s'kosh, eating Japanese food, then some ice cream, before I had to go get ready for work. (Shetty) We hugged & said our alohas. I haven't heard from them since. (Shady)....(Just kidding).
But I have been following both Evan and Lupe on Twitter. Apparently Tera & Evan are divorced, but remain business partners, while he & Lupe have hooked upp. I won't embarrass you with their mushy sweet tweets. It's cute, and it's obvious they're in love. Lupe is one of Teravision's newest stars, and she & Evan have been seen everywhere,, working hard to make her an even bigger star, while making the fans happy. They've recently launched, Lupe's been featuring dancing, and even has branded her own sex toy.

Meanwhile, as I write this, I discovered Tera's published her autobiography called "Sinner Takes All" (which happens to have a foreward by Margaret Cho). From the following interview, I gather it's a "tell all", as well as a "cautionary tale", about herself and the industry. I wonder if Lupe's read it? Tera's a clever business woman, so I bet a lot of people could learn something from her.
Just hearing how Tera re-connected with her mom through the book, made me kinda emo right now. I'm happy for her. (Plus I'm stoked that she thanked two groundbreaking angels by name: her mentor Teri Weigel, as well as AIM founder Sharon Mitchell.)

Tera Patrick "Sinner Takes All" interview on Unfiltered part 1

Tera Patrick "Sinner Takes All" interview on Unfiltered part 2

I either gotta wait for the paperback, or pull a date to afford the $30 cover price, but the book includes a recommendation on the inside flap from, among other stars, Carmen Electra (whose real name happens to be "Tara Leigh Patrick", unbeknownst to the porn star at the time she chose her name, according to Tera when I asked her. Not sure what the book says).

Meanwhile...Lupe & Evan were in the news recently, for actually saving a guy's life! Carlos Simon-Timmerman, a New York man on his way home from Puerto Rico was stopped at the airport, and charged with possession & transportation of child pornography, because he had a bootleg copy of "Little Lupe the Inncocent", a movie Lupe had made when she was 19 years old.

After the suspect had already spent some months in jail & under house arrest, and the prosecutors had presented the testimony of a government official, as well as another from a pediatrician, both claiming professional certainty that the girl in the movie was under 18 (they could tell just by watching the movie!), it seemed that Simon-Timmerman was doomed to spend the next 20 years in jail.

But then Lupe got a call for help from Simon-Timmerman's lawyer via her myspace page. It was the first time she'd become aware of anyone being in trouble for having one of her movies, and Lupe was concerned and uppset. She and Evan immediately flew to PuertoRico....
Via MySpace, the legal team contacted Lupe in hopes that her testimony could set him free. She immediately agreed and flew to Puerto Rico on April 6th, 2010 to appear in court on April 7th, 2010 to state her case in court, presenting evidence copies of documents showing her birth date, and dates of production for the Little Lupe DVD. “Lupe walked into the courtroom and it was like a courtroom drama in a movie”, according to Assistant Public Defender Héctor L. Ramos-Vega. “When Lupe walked in, that tiny human being, she looked like she was seven feet tall. She owned the room, and she immediately won the jury over.” The prosecution, recognizing that its case had been completely discredited, moved to dismiss all of the charges against Simon-Timmerman." (via

According to Evan: "In Puerto Rico, the federal prosecutors win over 99% of their cases."

Aside from the tacky fact that this incident could help promote Lupe's career, what's more significant is how she stood upp for herself, her fans, and her industry. There are a lot of jealous zealots, who've not only demonized sexuality & attraction, but will go so far as to ruin a man's life, in order to meet their agenda.

Porn stars are the unlikely advocates & defenders of our First Amendment rights to Freedom of Speech, which are being fought daily. Meanwhile they are ardent fighters against child pornography, as it not only damages their industry, but because many involved have been victims of abuse on different levels.

As a sex worker, I feel privileged & inspired to have met Lupe, Evan, Tera & others involved in the industry, who fight for their rights, as well as the rest of ours. Whether you watch or produce pornography, or are involved in any creative process that challenges social mores and attitudes, there are a legion of forces working against you. We have to remain vigilant, because they thrive on ignorance, deception and blind/deaf/dumb obedience. (note to self: kinda melodramatic, don't you think? note back: sorry, I was just hanging out at Revolution Books the other day. But I voted. Is Colleen Hanabusa cool? I think she maled out unsolicited cookbooks a while back. Got USA in her name)

Hopefully I'll get to meet her again, but until then I send a very grateful gracias & muchos mahalos to Lupe Fuentes.

Viva las vergas y vaginas!