Monday, July 20, 2009

How do you say deee-licious? Deee-lectable? Deee-vine?

Stop me! Oh-ho-ho, stop me! Stop me if you think that you've heard this one before: One of my lamer excuses for not blogging enough is that so many of my links wind upp dead soon after I post them... Like my favourite (which I posted in an entry about Isaiah White who's removed much of his early work) Ookie Cookie is off youtube 'cause it's travelling film fests. The video is an homage to two short films that had a big influence on my humour and worldview growing upp: Strawberry Shortcut and Pickle Surprise.

Recipes for snacks named after deviant sexual acts, the videos were produced by Tom Rubnitz in the '80's, and star some of the South's rising stars, who've since become supernovas known the world over.

Strawberry Shortcut stars X-tra retarded genius The Lady Bunny as a dinner hostess with a dessert dilemma.

Pickle Surprise takes Rubnitz's 70's sound effects / psychedelic aesthetic even further with Lady Bunny returning, and future Supermodel of the World RuPaul sampling this mystery treat.

Ookie Cookie was finished sometime last year by Barry Morse, about 20 years after the original clips. This time Dirty Sanchez vamp Jackie Beat plays Lady Bunny (and does most of the voices), with other actors, including Morse himself, also paying tribute to the stars of the previous films. Like I said, it's not on youtube anymore, but luckily can still be viewed at by clicking on the 17th.

Ookie Cookie is probbly the most delicious of the 3, but like any delicacy, it all deepends on the chefs, and what they ate before whipping it upp.

1 comment:

frenchfrye said...
its back on youtube